Thoughts on eating bargirl pussy (at EDSA Complex)
Nathan Renly |February 22, 2018
[excerpt from upcoming book]
Chubs was a Guest Relations Officer, or GRO, as they call them. I call them, ‘Girls who are too unattractive to wear a bikini on stage.’ They are common in the Philippines from Manila to Angeles City. There typically isn’t much difference in price or otherwise between them and dancers, they simply don’t go on stage.
I didn’t have any good reason to tell her she couldn’t sit with me though, if she was doing it for free. I could talk to her as if she was a friend, treat her with respect, and politely decline any future requests for drinks or money.
“So, what girl do you think?” I asked.
“What do you like? Skinny?”
“Yes of course, and NOT shy.”
“I have friend, she is very skinny and definitely not shy.”
A bit apprehensively, I agreed to let her call her friend over.
Chubs got up and went to the entrance and brought one of the girls manning the door, and beaming a wide smile with some jagged teeth. It’s more common for the girls in the Philippines to have poor teeth than in Thailand. As poor as Thailand is, the Philippines is a few steps down, poor enough that even the middle-class has trouble affording teeth care. And though I shouldn’t give two fucks about her teeth, that’s probably the sole reason I didn’t take her to the hotel with me for when she got to my table she immediately showed me just how not-shy she was by sitting in my lap and grinding until she felt my dick which she then stroked with her hand. Her little act bought her a drink, but did not score Chubs another even though she had succeeded in finding me a fun girl. Once you decline a drink, don’t let them change your mind by simply refusing to leave your table.
Thing is, Ms. jagged-teeth-not-shy girl was over thirty years old and obviously a career bargirl. While that is fine on some occasions, that night it seemed less appealing than going back to the hotel alone. I didn’t want the same tired experience I’ve had many times before, I wanted a girl to make me ecstatic for sitting through another 24-hour flight across the Pacific, not a girl that I could have gotten with a 5 hour drive south of the border.
After she finished her Apple San Mig which was half filled with water, I sent her on her way much to Chubs’ displeasure who was beginning to moan about being thirsty. I ignored her.
As I was enjoying the lap grind, I had noticed a girl in a red dress sitting with some other girls in dresses on the stools under the stage close to the door. They were GRO’s as well, but the girl that caught my attention was not chubby or ugly. She was a tiny girl, 5-foot with heels on and a narrow frame. I figured she likely had some baby fat under her dress which is why she was a GRO and not a dancer, but I could make out some cleavage at the top of her shoulderless dress, at least she had some boobs.
“Do you know her?” I asked Chubs.
“No, she is new and she doesn’t work that much.” Bingo.
Instead of asking Chubs to fetch her, I asked a waitress who had been standing over us for a while waiting to take an order for Chubs’ drink which was never coming. The girl in the red dress responded with a look of shock, but then hurried over with excitement coming to her face.
The waitress motioned to both the red dress and Chubs for drinks, and I lifted my finger to indicate one drink for the new girl and with that Chubs finally made her exit.
“Hi, I’m Jen!” she said enthusiastically.
“I’m Nathan.”
“Nee than?”
“Nay – Than!”
“Yes, nice to meet you Jen!”
“Where are you from, Nathan?”
“America, where are you from?”
“Philippines of course!”
“Yes, but which part?”
“Oh! I’m from Cavite.”
She was a weekend-warrior, making the trip in when she needed money hoping to get barfined each time she made the trip. She said she’d only been doing it for a few months. I assumed that meant a year or so.
“Tell me, Jen. If you had to pick one, would you rather suck dick or get your pussy licked?”
“Ha ha ha! I want lick!” she answered without a bit of shame.
Which part of my brain that question came from, I’m not sure. It isn’t something I’ve asked bargirls before but that night it seemed I was asking each of them. As the saying goes, be careful what you ask for, as it seemed I’d be eating some bargirl pussy that night. How could I not after receiving such an eager response?
Many men will scoff at that sort of thing. I’ve had guys tell me they’d never kiss a whore because “she’s had her mouth on guys’ dicks.” Ok, fine, but as for me, I’ve learned that all those ideas exist only in your head. Even if some flake of skin from another man’s dick managed to stay stuck under her tongue and then managed to transfer to your mouth and into your stomach, so what? I’m sure your stomach acids would take care of that arrogant piece of a shit, without even alerting you to its presence. As for eating pussy where she’s had sweaty rotten hairy man crotch pounding her daily for a year, most bargirls take great care in cleaning themselves out, the idea being not to smell bad for their next customer. In my experience, eating a bargirl’s pussy is even preferable to eating a regular girl’s pussy, who may not even douche after periods, not to mention which is more likely to shave. In other words, fuck it, eat some 20-year-old pussy you old up-tight bastard!
Tags: "Sex Tourism", erotica, Philippines
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